【セミナー案内】Dr. Damien Hall 2018年3月12日

セミナーのお知らせ (18.3.12) Dr. Damien Hall

日時: 2018年3月12日(月曜日) 15:00~16:15
場所: 創薬科学研究館 2階講義室

Physical biochemistry of disease

Dr. Damien Hall

(Australian National University, Research School of Chemistry. Level C Academic (Group Leader)& Osaka University, Institute for Protein Research. Associate Professor)

My research program involves the application of physical chemistry / biophysics type theoretical and experimental approaches to the study of three disease states (i) cancer, (ii) virus infection, and (iii) amyloidosis proteopathies. In this talk a brief introductory survey of these three areas will be made before focussing on recent research progress related to the amyloidosis diseases.

世話人:名古屋大学大学院創薬科学研究科 構造分子薬理学分野 廣明秀一
■■ ポスターはこちら ■■
Updated: 2018/03/02 — 19:31